Become a Member

Membership is open to anyone nineteen (19) years or older interested in writing novels in any genre that has a more romantic, adult theme, sensual, erotica or BDSM (dominance and submission) flavor. Fiction and non-fiction authors are welcome. Though Naughty Writers is located in Citrus County, Florida and our workshops and meetings will be held locally, we do offer members the ability to attend through Zoom. These meetings will not be recorded.

There are three levels of membership. Please choose the one which fits your needs:

Basic Membership
Provides a monthly two-hour meeting and/or workshop on writing, publishing, marketing and other information associated with writing. We encourage authors and industry professionals to speak during our meetings. For members who are not local or cannot attend live, they can attend through a private Zoom link. Members will also receive special discounts on Special Lectures and conferences hosted by Naughty Writers in association with our affiliates.

Full Monty
For those interested in going full throttle, our Full Monty Membership offers a more intense and in-depth approach to writing. Yep, we will help you succeed by holding you accountable in meeting your writing goals and writing career aspirations, ensuring they stay on track and don’t fall into the bottomless pit of procrastination, writer’s block, and years of wallowing in “writing that book.” Full Monty members meet weekly for two hours. Lectures, workshops, and assistance with writing, working through writer’s block, and brainstorming ideas will be provided. Hypno-Write Workshops created by Dr. Charley Ferrer will be available monthly enabling authors to tap into their subconscious and creative ideas. Critics opportunities will be provided in the spirit of collaboration not competition. Workshops on how to write sensual content, Dominance and submission, and LGBT content will also be addressed. Full Monty members will be featured in our “Member’s Section” and are eligible to submit a short story for consideration for our Naughty Writers Annual Anthology.

Professional Membership
This membership is open to individuals or companies who would like to partner with Naughty Writers, sponsor workshops, or provide services to our members.

Register Here

*Naughty Writers is a subsidiary of Passionate Woman, Inc. and affiliate of BDSM Writers Con.*